Tackling anti-social behaviour across St Helier
In response to residents raising concerns about fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour hot spots, we have worked with the St Helier neighbourhood policing team and Merton Anti Social Behaviour team to agree the location of mobile CCTV units. As we work with the Safer Neighbourhood Team we are hopeful that the implementation of the mobile CCTV units will deter anti social behaviour and keep our neighbour hood both safe and tidy. As ever, if you wish to raise any issues or specific anti-social behaviour hot spots with us then do get in touch with us using the details below.
If you want to join in with us, and help to make our community better, please contact us on andrew.judge@merton.gov.uk, andrew.pearce@merton.gov.uk and shuile.syeda@merton.gov.uk.