Help us save the shops on Grand Drive

The owners of the flats on Grand Drive by the roundabout have applied for permission to add 2 floors and 3 lift shafts to the buildings.

This means more homes for Lower Morden, which is great. However, the developers also want to remove the shops which provide vital services for local people. There are 8 shops serving this area, with 2 already having to shut down.

The 6 shops want to remain at their current site and we also want them to stay there because we believe if you take the shops away you take away the community too.

Councillor Sally Kenny and Councillor Stephen Alambritis are leading a campaign calling for these shops to be kept as part of any planning permission granted. If you agree, please sign the below petition.

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Contact details

Address: 1 Crown Road, Morden, SM4 5DD
Tel: 0208 542 4835

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