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Your Labour Member of Parliament

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The Labour Member of Parliament for Mitcham and Morden is Siobhain McDonagh

Siobhain was first elected as a Labour MP in 1997. She was born in the constituency and has lived here her whole life.

She joined the Labour Party when she was just 15, and in 1982 became London's youngest councillor when she was elected to Merton Council. As Chair of the Housing Committee she set about demolishing the tower blocks in Phipps Bridge, replacing them with proper homes and gardens.

Siobhain was the Labour candidate for Mitcham and Morden in the 1987 and 1992 general elections, before eventually winning in 1997.

As a local MP, she has led a variety of campaigns, including to improve exam results by replacing struggling schools with brand new Academies, to introduce new community ‘Safer Neighbourhood’ police teams, and to tackle graffiti, abandoned cars, vandalism and other anti-social behaviour.

She has led the campaign to improve local health services, and to save the A&E and Maternity Units at St Helier Hospital.

Siobhain is renowned as one of the country’s hardest-working MPs, and regularly heads the list of MPs who have written the most letters, taking up thousands of new cases on behalf of constituents every year.